15 Tyger River Drive
15 Tyger River Drive,
Duncan, SC 29334,USA
Big Box Warehouse
15 Tyger River Drive
Location Duncan, South Carolina

15 Tyger River Drive,
Duncan, SC 29334,USA
Net Lettable Area 18,776  sqm
Platform/Funding Mapletree US & EU Logistics Private Trust

The property is located within the community of Duncan, just east of Greenville and west of Spartanburg. Industrial uses in the neighbourhood comprises of a mix of single tenant and multi tenant buildings primarily oriented to light manufacturing. It is easily accessible from Intertate 385, with additional traffic arteries cinluding Pelham Road, SR-14, Devenger Road, Highway 296 and Highway 101. The property consists of a single warehouse block fully equipped with fire sprinkler systems and offers a 30-foot ceiling height, 200-foot truck court depth, 27 parking spaces, 25 dock doors and 1 drive-in door.